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General Info

School Terms



Term one: 11th January - 24th March

Term two: 12th April - 23rd June

Term three: 18th July - 29th September

Term four: 10th October - 13th December

Dress Code


Tartan skirt, white button up shirt/white golf shirt, black jersey, black shoes/takkies, black or
white socks

Tartan skirt, black knee high socks/tights, white button up shirt/white golf shirt, black jersey,
black cross tie. School tracksuit. Black shoes or takkies.



Grey school shorts, white button up shirt/grey golf shirt, black jersey, black shoes or takkies,
black or grey socks.

Long grey school pants, white button up shirt/grey golf shirt, black jersey, black shoes or
takkies, black tie. School tracksuit.
Friday outfit and Sports clothes:
Black shorts, grey sports shirt, black takkies.
Other sports outfits will be introduced before long.

Tuck Shop

We have a small tuck shop for learners during break.

This tuck shop will eventually supply food for aftercare children as no meals will be provided by the Academy.

School Times

Monday to Thursday

Grade RRR-1: 8h00-12h30
Grade 2-3: 8h00-13h00
Grade 4-9: 8h00-14h00



Grade 1-9: Friday: 8h00-13h00


Note: Siblings of will be cared for until their older siblings are done for the day.


Fines of R100 will be charged for every 60 min parents are late to pick children up.

After School Sports

Grade RRR - 1: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (12h30-13h00)
Grade 2 - 3:     Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from (13h00-13h30) 
Grade 4 - 9:     Monday to Thursday (14h10- 14h45)

Sports will be decided each term. We alternate between Hockey, netball, soccer, cross country, vocal training, box fitness, softball. (if a parent would like to volunteer / introduce something new, they are welcome to discuss it with the teacher).

Coding will be implemented as of 2023 (this will be discussed with parents in the new year to see how/when we can accommodate this).

Text Books

Foundation Phase

Text books will be provided, but teachers may ask a small fee to cover extra resource materials.

Intermediate and Senior Phase

Text books are provided.


A list will be provided for each grade.

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